Para a celebração da 6.ª Edição do Dia do Programa Erasmus+ (12, 13 e 14 de outubro), a Escola Profissional Novos Horizontes e a Escola Turca Atakum Anadolu realizaram uma atividade conjunta por videoconferência de forma a marcar o dia e a partilhar alguns momentos de experiências, convívio e boa disposição.
Os alunos turcos presentearam-nos com três atuações de dança e música. A nossa aluna Mara Araújo, do 12.º Ano do Curso Profissional de Técnico de Serviços Jurídicos, partilhou a sua experiência como participante num programa Erasmus+ que realizou na Bulgária, no ano transato. Também contamos com a partilha da aluna Catarina Barros, do 11.º Ano do Curso Profissional de Técnico de Serviços Jurídicos, que fez uma breve apresentação sobre a importância do nosso Projeto e o que a motivou a participar no mesmo.
Houve ainda oportunidade para conversar com as Diretoras de ambas as escolas e perceber que estamos ambas empenhadas e otimistas quanto ao nosso Projeto “How Green are We – Becoming Green” e conscientes da importância que o desenvolvimento deste tem e terá nas vidas dos nossos jovens.
Participantes de ambas as escolas aproveitaram para se conhecerem melhor e perceber que têm muitas coisas em comum, as expectativas e os receios, os objetivos e as inseguranças, mas, acima de tudo, o envolvimento no mesmo projeto e o sentido de partilha e vontade de dar o seu melhor para que o Projeto seja um sucesso para todos os envolvidos.
A Equipa “Becoming Green!”
Deixamos de seguida o contributo da aluna, Mara Araújo:
The Erasmus program gave me the opportunity to discover a new country and make new friends. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had and I would repeat without thinking twice.
In the beginning it was complicated, because being away from my parents it’s not easy, but when we can share this experience with friends it becomes easier, because they helped me whenever I needed it, they supported me in my crazy things and we were always for each other, from the beginning at the end.
In just one month I started to get to know myself better, I learned to do things alone because that is how we learn to know limits and fears and have the courage to face the challenges that life gives us, I also realized that managing my own money is complicated. When parents do it seems easier. I had a budget and I couldn’t go beyond that limit. I had no idea that the world doesn’t revolve around my requests, but that we have to work to get them. I learned to deal in the best way with all personality types and accept the opinion of others.
With this trip I met new people, from several countries that I was able to exchange ideas, I had the perception that in other places they make their lives in a very different way from ours.
No matter how long the journey is, the most important thing is to take the first step, we must dedicate ourselves to follow our dreams, because only with struggle can we achieve results and giving up will never be an option.
The opportunity to participate in the Erasmus program helped me to realize that the choices I was making were not the right ones for those who wanted to have a brilliant future. In the end, I think that the lucky ones, like me, who were able to make a trip like this, will remember this period with good memories and a teaching for life that I hope to have the opportunity to do again.